Every little girl dreams about her wedding day, right? Indeed, there’s nothing quite like committing to your beloved in front of your family, friends . . . and former lovers.
Wait, what? You better ditch that white dress girl, because 60% of newlyweds have shagged at least two of their wedding guests, according to a new study. Sure, some people invite exes to their wedding—what better way to say, “haha, I won” than marrying someone else—but the study revealed more than that. Turns out, 32% of these naughty newlyweds are keeping their former fling a secret. In fact, 12% actually asked another guest to make sure the new spouse didn't find out.
Ouch. We’re all for having fun until you’re tied down, but keeping a secret is pretty sketchy. Not that it’s relevant whatsoever, but roughly 50% of marriages end in divorce. Also interesting: dishonesty is one of the biggest reasons for a split.
You know what doesn’t cause divorce? Owning up to your past and being open with your partner.
On the hilarious side, we have a new drinking game for weddings. Show up early and sit in the last row with your flask in hand. Take a drink every time you see a guest that either newlywed has banged. The more promiscuous, the less likely you’ll have to participate in communion.
Image: Bad Great-Aunt Elsa! You were supposed to distract him! Courtesy of, ThinkStock